Faith, Spirituality

Easter is Here Again

This is wishing all our readers and fellow bloggers a happy Easter.

It’s a season of sober reflections on the magnitude of our Saviour’s love which propelled Him to die on the cross of Calvary.
Continue reading “Easter is Here Again”

Faith, Love, Prayer, Spirituality

So Far; So Good!

As the year 2014 gradually comes to a close, I look back to the past 52 weeks and I can’t but thank God for His faithfulness. Each day of these weeks has been a miracle; an evidence of divine love and guidance.

How would it be like without His unfailing love? Totally unimaginable! Continue reading “So Far; So Good!”

Faith, Prayer, Spirituality

The Love of God

What shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus? Continue reading “The Love of God”

Lessons Learnt, Motivations, Spirituality

Nothing Good Comes Easy

There’s no short cut to success and each person desiring to succeed may have to surmount certain kinds of obstacles to get their destination. It takes perseverance and long-suffering  to hold on even when all hope seems to be lost. There’s no need to give up now as your breakthrough may be closer than you thought.

It’s better to see the half full glass than the half empty. Always hope for the best even in the midst of hopelessness. Even if what you wished for didn’t materialize, the energy that could have gone into worry and anxiety will be saved and channelled  into something profitable. Not all dreams come true but I think it’s worse not to dream at all.

Dreams give you something to look forward to every day. It motivates one to wake up in the morning and try again.

Life will be meaningless if there was nothing to look forward to. It will be extremely boring and monotonous.

Don’t expect to have all you desire or wish for in a twinkle of an eye. Life is so mysterious that no one knows what tomorrow holds(but God knows). A day is enough to turn around a person’s destiny either for better or for worse.

Yet, there’s no need to despair.

Hope for the best in life and even if you don’t get all that you desire, you will get enough to carry on.


Miracles Still Happen!

Ever found yourself in a bad situation and thought you might never get out of it?

Often times, things happen to us and we tend to despair, concluding there’s no hope. I like to tell you that there’s no ugly situation that’s beyond repair if you hand it over to Christ. It comes to a point in one’s life when everything humanly possible has been done, yet, no improvement. The only thing needed to turn things around becomes a supernatural intervention, a miracle. Continue reading “Miracles Still Happen!”